Oda van Cranenburgh has been a psychologist at Grip since 2021. She works with cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and uses EMDR and/or elements of ACT (Acceptance & Commitment Therapy). Previously, Oda worked with clients with anxiety/mood disorders as psychologist at PuntP (SGGZ, part of Arkin). She has also worked in a rehabilitation clinic in the multidisciplinary treatment of clients with chronic pain, and has done a PhD research project on the quality of life and the quality of care for patients with a chronic skin condition. She combined this with working as a project employee/manager for het Huidfonds, a charity organisation. Oda graduated at the University of Amsterdam (Social Psychology, Psychonomy) and the University of Utrecht (Clinical and Health care Psychology). She is currently in training as cognitive behavioral therapist VGCT® and member of the Vereniging voor Gedrags- en Cognitieve Therapie.