Partially closed over the holidays 2024
Our locations at Falckstraat 15 and Surinameplein 124 will be partially closed over the holidays. Please consult the below schedule:
Monday December 23d: Falckstraat and Surinameplein are both open
Tuesday December 24th: Surinameplein is open
Wednesday December 25th, 26th and 27th: Grip is closed
Monday December 30th: Falckstraat is open
Tuesday December 31st: Falckstraat is open
Wednesday Januari 1st: Grip is closed
Thursday Januar 2nd: Falckstraat is open
Friday January 3d: Surinameplein is open
In case of a crisis situation during our closing hours you can contact:
Crisisdienst: 113 of 0800-0113 (free)
Huisartsenpost (GP service) : 088-003 0600