More information?
Grip Psychologen
Phone number: 085-0471147
You can reach us by phone every working day between 8:30am and 12:30pm and between 13:30pm and 15:30pm. You can also leave a voicemail message. We will call you back within one day.
For completeness we would like to point out that content sent to us and from us by email, is not secured. For sending emails and/or documents with privacy-sensitive information we use another secure email platform
In case of EMERGENCY:
Please note: in case of emergency, we cannot take on your registration. In this case, we advise you to contact your own GP. They can refer you to urgent psychiatry.
If you urgently need help outside of office hours, you can contact the following organisations yourself:
GP post for urgent medical treatment Amsterdam
088 00 30 600
Suicide prevention
0900 – 0113