Confidentiality & Privacy
We process medical data from our patients. Because of the sensitivity of this data, we consider privacy to be very important. In our privacy statement you can read which personal data we process and for what purpose. It also states your rights. Please note that our privacy statement is in Dutch. An English version will be uploaded a.s.a.p.
If you have any questions or if you would like to claim your rights, please contact Grip Psychologen at
Grip Psychologen works in compliance with the code of ethics of the Netherlands Institute for Psychologists (NIP).
Information Electronic Patient Record
For some years now, paper records in the healthcare sector have been replaced by digital ones. Grip Psychologen also works with the electronic patient record (in Dutch: EPD). Please read the information below about the use and legislation of the electronic patient record. Your therapist can tell you more about it.
The premise is that every psychologist has a responsibility and an obligation to create and retain a record, as was also the case with paper records. When a patient registers with Grip Psychologen, administration will create a record, after which a psychologist is linked to the patient. As of then the psychologist will be responsible for managing the record. When treatment comes to an end, financial administration supports the psychologist in putting the record in order. After completion of the treatment, the record will be kept for another fifteen years.
Access to the EPD
The psychologist has the professional responsibility to secure the record in such a way that no one has access to it without the patient's consent, in order to preserve the confidentiality of the data.
More specifically, this means that only directly involved co-therapists have access to the entire record (including session reports). Other employees at Grip Psychologen only have access to the information that is necessary for them to carry out their work responsibly. The rest of the record will be shielded from them.
Permission to inspection
In some cases, it can be valuable to the psychologist to give others access to the record, e.g. for peer consultation, training purposes or quality control. However, the patient's permission will be asked at all times.
Moreover, other parties such as a therapist outside of Grip Psychologen, the UWV, or the company doctor, may request information about the patient's record. The patient must sign authorisation at all times in order for Grip Psychologen to share information with other parties. An exception however is the patient's referrer, who generally receives an intake and termination letter, unless the patient explicitly does NOT give permission for it.
Privacy statement
Grip psychologen will only receive reimbursement from your health insurer for the care provided to you if we can state which care has been provided. We do this, by default, using a code from the main diagnosis group. The main diagnosis group has a general set-up and comes from the list of nationally determined main diagnosis groups (for example, anxiety disorders or depressive disorders). We do not give a specific diagnosis.
What to do if you object to this:
If you want that even the code of the main diagnosis group does not end up with your health insurer, so that no diagnostic information is stated on the invoice, please complete the Adult Privacy Statement. You can request this form at our secretariat.
You may want to make an audio or video recording of your session with your psychologist. It may be helpful to listen to the session again or to share it with important people in your environment. If you would like to make a recording, we would ask you to share this with your psychologist. We have no objection to you making a recording, but we would like to be informed. Video recordings may only be used for private purposes, only with the permission of the psychologist may a recording also be made public.
It is also possible that the psychologist desires to make a recording of the session, for which permission must always be given as a client. A declaration of consent must be signed for this. A recording is usually used at Grip for training purposes. The recording is therefore always destroyed afterwards. If you would like to see or receive the recording yourself, you can request this from your psychologist.